Constant-time Binary Logarithm


I’ve been watching the Spring 2012 lectures for MIT 6.851 Advanced Data Structures with Prof. Erik Demaine. In lecture 12, “Fusion Trees”, it mentions a constant time algorithm for finding the index of the first most significant 1 bit in a word, i.e. the binary logarithm. Assuming word operations are constant time, i.e. in the Word RAM model, the below algorithm takes 27 word operations (not counting copying). When I compiled it with GHC 8.0.1 -O2 the core of the algorithm was 44 straight-line instructions. The theoretically interesting thing is, other than changing the constants, the same algorithm works for any word size that’s an even power of 2. Odd powers of two need a slight tweak. This is demonstrated for Word64, Word32, and Word16. It should be possible to do this for any arbitrary word size w.

The clz instruction can be used to implement this function, but this is a potential simulation if that or a similar instruction wasn’t available. It’s probably not the fastest way. Similarly, find first set and count trailing zeros can be implemented in terms of this operation.


Below is the complete code. You can also download it here.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits

-- Returns 0-based bit index of most significant bit that is 1. Assumes input is non-zero.
-- That is, 2^indexOfMostSignificant1 x <= x < 2^(indexOfMostSignificant1 x + 1)
-- From Erik Demaine's presentation in Spring 2012 lectures of MIT 6.851, particularly "Lecture 12: Fusion Trees".
-- Takes 26 (source-level) straight-line word operations.
indexOfMostSignificant1 :: Word64 -> Word64
indexOfMostSignificant1 w = idxMsbyte .|. idxMsbit
        -- top bits of each byte
        !wtbs = w .&. 0x8080808080808080
        -- all but top bits of each byte producing 8 7-bit chunks
        !wbbs = w .&. 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F              

        -- parallel compare of each 7-bit chunk to 0, top bit set in result if 7-bit chunk was not 0
        !pc = parallelCompare 0x8080808080808080 wbbs

        -- top bit of each byte set if the byte has any bits set in w
        !ne = wtbs .|. pc                             

        -- a summary of which bytes (except the first) are non-zero as a 7-bit bitfield, i.e. top bits collected into bottom byte
        !summary = sketch ne `unsafeShiftR` 1

        -- parallel compare summary to powers of two
        !cmpp2 = parallelCompare 0xFFBF9F8F87838180 (0x0101010101010101 * summary)
        -- index of most significant non-zero byte * 8
        !idxMsbyte = sumTopBits8 cmpp2                

        -- most significant 7-bits of most significant non-zero byte
        !msbyte = ((w `unsafeShiftR` (fromIntegral idxMsbyte)) .&. 0xFF) `unsafeShiftR` 1

        -- parallel compare msbyte to powers of two
        !cmpp2' = parallelCompare 0xFFBF9F8F87838180 (0x0101010101010101 * msbyte)

        -- index of most significant non-zero bit in msbyte
        !idxMsbit = sumTopBits cmpp2' 

        -- Maps top bits of each byte into lower byte assuming all other bits are 0.
        -- 0x2040810204081 = sum [2^j | j <- map (\i -> 49 - 7*i) [0..7]]
        -- In general if w = 2^(2*k+p) and p = 0 or 1 the formula is:
        -- sum [2^j | j <- map (\i -> w-(2^k-1) - 2^(k+p) - (2^(k+p) - 1)*i) [0..2^k-1]]
        -- Followed by shifting right by w - 2^k
        sketch w = (w * 0x2040810204081) `unsafeShiftR` 56

        parallelCompare w1 w2 = complement (w1 - w2) .&. 0x8080808080808080
        sumTopBits w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 7) * 0x0101010101010101) `unsafeShiftR` 56
        sumTopBits8 w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 7) * 0x0808080808080808) `unsafeShiftR` 56

indexOfMostSignificant1_w32 :: Word32 -> Word32
indexOfMostSignificant1_w32 w = idxMsbyte .|. idxMsbit
    where !wtbs = w .&. 0x80808080
          !wbbs = w .&. 0x7F7F7F7F
          !pc = parallelCompare 0x80808080 wbbs
          !ne = wtbs .|. pc
          !summary = sketch ne `unsafeShiftR` 1
          !cmpp2 = parallelCompare 0xFF838180 (0x01010101 * summary)
          !idxMsbyte = sumTopBits8 cmpp2
          !msbyte = ((w `unsafeShiftR` (fromIntegral idxMsbyte)) .&. 0xFF) `unsafeShiftR` 1
          !cmpp2' = parallelCompare 0x87838180 (0x01010101 * msbyte)

          -- extra step when w is not an even power of two
          !cmpp2'' = parallelCompare 0xFFBF9F8F (0x01010101 * msbyte)
          !idxMsbit = sumTopBits cmpp2' + sumTopBits cmpp2''

          sketch w = (w * 0x204081) `unsafeShiftR` 28
          parallelCompare w1 w2 = complement (w1 - w2) .&. 0x80808080
          sumTopBits w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 7) * 0x01010101) `unsafeShiftR` 24
          sumTopBits8 w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 7) * 0x08080808) `unsafeShiftR` 24

indexOfMostSignificant1_w16 :: Word16 -> Word16
indexOfMostSignificant1_w16 w = idxMsnibble .|. idxMsbit
    where !wtbs = w .&. 0x8888
          !wbbs = w .&. 0x7777
          !pc = parallelCompare 0x8888 wbbs
          !ne = wtbs .|. pc
          !summary = sketch ne `unsafeShiftR` 1
          !cmpp2 = parallelCompare 0xFB98 (0x1111 * summary)
          !idxMsnibble = sumTopBits4 cmpp2
          !msnibble = ((w `unsafeShiftR` (fromIntegral idxMsnibble)) .&. 0xF) `unsafeShiftR` 1
          !cmpp2' = parallelCompare 0xFB98 (0x1111 * msnibble)
          !idxMsbit = sumTopBits cmpp2'

          sketch w = (w * 0x249) `unsafeShiftR` 12
          parallelCompare w1 w2 = complement (w1 - w2) .&. 0x8888
          sumTopBits w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 3) * 0x1111) `unsafeShiftR` 12
          sumTopBits4 w = ((w `unsafeShiftR` 3) * 0x4444) `unsafeShiftR` 12